Especially in end-to-end testing, a very large manual test effort can be avoided when automating tests. For each agile SW development project, automated tests are enablers for Continuous Integration and Delivery and are therefore indispensable.
With Selenium, you will be able to generate the maximum value from the Open Source Tool set for your project environment across all test types.
The Selenium Tool Family is an open source tool set for highly scalable browsers and mobile automation solutions. As such, it is the standard for test automation in many large and small businesses. The tool family offers great flexibility, cost-effectiveness and broad support for all browsers. With the addition of ios-driver and Selendroid, selenium also supports the automation of mobile applications.
Michael Palotas and his team has co-created Selenium and invented the Selenium Box. Michael Polotas will be training Selenium Essentials in Toronto: Learn more.
Selenium Grid enables simultaneous execution of tests on multiple browsers and browser versions. Selenium Grid is a key enabler for Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery.
Selenium Box is an in-house Enterprise Selenium Grid, designed for organizations that require a highly scalable, maintenance free and secure Selenium Grid solution. With Selenium Box your teams can focus on the core competencies of your organization instead of building and maintaining test infrastructure.
Traditionally, companies either need to build their own Selenium Grid or use a Selenium Grid in the cloud. Both approaches have implications and limitations. Building and maintaining a stable, scalable and up-to-date Selenium Grid is complex and requires significant resources. Using a Selenium Grid in the cloud has implications on security, scalability and flexibility.
Selenium Box is a managed Enterprise Selenium Grid that runs securely in-house, while allowing for unlimited use and full scalability (i.e. for parallel / concurrent test runs) with an always up-to-date set of browsers, drivers and Selenium version.
- Support for Firefox, Internet Explorer, Chrome, Edge, OSX Safari
- Superior performance and reliability
- Security and data privacy due to hosting in your environment, no data leaves your network
- Video reporting
- Advanced system monitoring options
- Live view / live debugging capability for each test
- Isolated environment for each test
- Simple integration with CI systems
- Maintenance free, fully automated browser updates of Grid hub, nodes and browsers
- Standard and unmodified Selenium / Webdriver API